778 317 6262

Disability Insurance

Short-term disability income insurance guarantees a regular income to a member who becomes disabled because of an accident or illness. It is offered in a variety of amounts and duration of benefits.

Short term disability (STD) income insurance and case management allows employers to focus on managing their business, while employees get the support they need during the recovery process.

Long term disability (LTD) income insurance, a natural complement to short-term disability income insurance or a salary continuation plan administered by the employer, guarantees a regular income to a disabled member until the age of 65. Various coverage plans are available.

The case management approach draws on the full support of a network of experts and a range of programs and services for coordination of treatment, ergonomics, work facilitation, functional and vocational rehabilitation services in order to help the employee return to work as soon as possible.

When it comes to long term disability coverage, one of a company’s most valuable resources – their top executives and professionals – are often under-insured.

Executive LTD programs are available to bridge the income replacement gap for executives and professionals with a simple and cost-effective Group Benefits solution.

We understand how difficult it can be when an employee is no longer able to do everything they did before; when an accident or illness prevents them from working. What we also know is that work is an integral part of living a meaningful and productive life.

Employees appreciate the financial security that a disability plan can provide when a serious illness or accident impacts their ability to work. Short-term and long-term disability coverage plans offer complete flexibility. You design the plan that suits your organizational and employee needs. Coverage can be provided as flat amounts, or as a percentage of the employee’s salary. You choose the benefit maximums, qualifying periods and benefit duration.